
NexPage Blog

What we can learn from Jeff Bezos’ journey

What we can learn from Jeff Bezos’ journey

Have you caught 'The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power' on Amazon Prime? While you're enjoying the visual feast, you may be surprised to know how involved Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, was in the pitch to acquire the series. Known for his relentless drive and...

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3 Lesser-Known Life Affirming Lessons from Ikigai

3 Lesser-Known Life Affirming Lessons from Ikigai

With the frantic pace of the modern world, most of us would have been tossed into the rat-race from an early age. For Singaporeans, a typical route would be to achieve excellent grades for our national examinations, qualify for a prestigious university degree, get...

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4 Ways Reading Boosts Your Productivity

4 Ways Reading Boosts Your Productivity

Reading may feel like a passive past-time. After all, there's nothing more inactive (and relaxing) than curling up with a good book, especially on a rainy day. However, reading can be a great way to energise you when you've fallen into a slump. If you feel your brain...

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What Happens To Our Brains When We Read?

What Happens To Our Brains When We Read?

It’s accepted wisdom that reading is good for us. However, did you know that reading affects the physical structure of our brain biology – and for the better? Beyond the intangible but valuable knowledge we gain from our books, reading has tangible benefits for our...

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Reading Myths We Must Unlearn

Reading Myths We Must Unlearn

Our time in the education system has left us with many reading myths. Some of these myths may even be responsible for our inertia in picking up a book. Whether you’re a voracious reader or haven’t picked up a book in ages, you probably have an opinion about reading....

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Will TikTok change the future of books?

Will TikTok change the future of books?

If you've visited a bookstore recently, you may have stumbled upon a book display titled "TikTok made me buy this". TikTok, you may ask yourself – isn't that where tweens and teens go to waste away their time? What does that have anything to do with reading? On the...

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